Looking to buy a new duvet cover or maybe you are just scrolling through the web and come across this article about duvet covers. Do you wonder what makes a simple cover so special that it needs a whole article?
What makes my duvet cover so special? There are so many hidden facts you never realized this sheet of cotton might have. Keep reading! We hope to not leave you disappointed by the end of the article!
If you here because you are planning to buy a new duvet cover in the near future, I have some fun, yet important tips to share with you!
Imagine it’s a Sunday morning, sleeping peacefully in your bed, listening to country music! Or any other genre you like and then you dream about having pancakes Au Lit (in bed)! The nightmare of ruining your new bedding stresses you out. Worry not! If you have a duvet comforter cover then all you have to do is toss it in the washer! Ta-da! It’s sparkly clean like before.
In this article, we hope to give you an overview of why you need a duvet cover and what to look for when shopping for one.
A duvet cover is to a duvet as a pillowcase is to a pillow.
- Elledecor

What Is A Duvet Cover And How Does It Work?
A duvet cover acts as a layer of protection for your duvet comforter, to put it simply it protects your duvet comforter from dust, stains, and spills. Whether you are looking for a duvet cover in Canada or in another country, buying it from Homesense, Ikea, or Walmart; duvet covers should help provide the same sense of comfort to your bedding choice.
According to the experts at facts.net
"Duvet Covers are functioning much like a pillowcase, duvet covers are a duvet’s protective, removable coat. Originating from Europe, the combination of duvets and its covers were designed for optimal thermal insulation and convenience. Thanks to these duvet sets, homeowners are now granted the luxury of prepping their beds using a single covering instead of a combination of sheets, blankets, and quilts.
What’s more, these covers are cost and time efficient, enabling homeowners to skip the complicated and expensive drycleaning processes of traditional duvets and comforters. These covers are not only easy to remove and clean, but also offer the opportunity to customize the look of your bed and room without having to completely redecorate."
Even though people opt for duvet covers because of their popularity, there are so many reasons to be amazed; starting with the variety of options and ease of comfort bought by having a duvet cover on your precious quilt. The duvet also known as an insert can be filled with any kind of fill such as down, wool, synthetic, or even feathers.
Duvets covers as you know are easily machine washable, and usually inexpensive (compared to taking your duvet to the dry cleaners every time you drop something!) This saves you money and the hassle of washing your duvet every time it gets dirty!
Did I mention…..this is also one of the cheapest ways to change the look of your room? If you get bored, all you have to do is get a new cover and voila you have a super new enhanced look!
P.S. I have growing kids and my 6-year-old used to love Barney before she watched a show with flying horses…Yes, I am referring to Unicorns! And now she wanted a new room. Buying a new duvet cover with unicorns made her and my pocket happy!!
As you are familiar duvets and comforters can be very bulky and expensive, making it hard to clean them on a regular basis which is why duvet covers come to the rescue. A duvet cover is a simple addition to your duvet comforter but has a ton of benefits!

What To Look For In Duvet Cover:
1. Look For A Duvet Cover With Cotton…100 Cotton Covers Are The Best!!
Are you still up at 3 a.m. and now that you have made up your mind on the perfect design for your duvet cover…..your mind wanders off to the thought of What is the coolest duvet cover material?
Choosing the right fabric for your duvet can make all the difference, consider this as important as selecting the right duvet fill- you may want to choose one this is breathable, washable and also comfortable at the same time. Cotton would be your go-to option here!
Even though you might find a variety of covers made from other materials, cotton takes the lead on being the best so far. The cotton fabric makes for a more breathable and popular option.
Natural and other organic cotton fibers generally contain lesser chemicals and allergens which makes them an ideal option for your duvet covers. You may also want to wash your new cover once you receive it, if you want to get rid of any excess chemical scents or if you have sensitive skin.
Don’t forget to check the thread count of your duvet cover. Egyptian cotton is known for having the highest thread which makes them the best and softest material for the fabric of your duvet cover. But you could also consider Pima and Supima cotton for your duvet cover materials. The higher the thread count the better the look of your cotton cover, if you want that hotel finish then go for a cotton cover with the highest thread count.
Even though many people do prefer using 100% cotton fabric because of its softer feel, you may want to keep in mind that it also is more prone to wrinkles. You could also look at flannel or microfiber for regions with colder climates. Also, be aware that "microfiber" is usually 100% polyester and it tends to pill after repeated washings.
If you need more info on thread count, they mean and How To Prevent Your Duvet From Moving Inside the Duvet Cover, have a look at our duvet blog.

2. Check If Your Duvet Cover Has A Zipper Closure Or Button Closure Option
Duvet covers help keep your duvet comforter insert clean for longer, avoiding you to wash it very often. A duvet cover is basically a giant pillowcase for your duvet and comes in one of the two closure options; buttons and zippers.
Zipper vs Button Closure – Which One Is Better?
There are a lot of debates around zipper vs. button closure. Is having buttons better or do you prefer an invisible zipper? What’s the answer?
A button closure helps provide an enticing physical appearance to your duvet cover. But as you may be familiar, it could take longer to close each and every button, sometimes people tend to miss one or more buttons and it gets matched up with the wrong up; till you realize and have to start all over again.Sound tiring!! Just a heads up, individual buttons could also keep popping open easily; especially if you toss and turn or kick your duvet a lot at night.
Zziiipppp……..As for zipper closure- it easily seals your duvet comforter up, which speeds up the whole process. All you have to do is the duvet inside the comforter; then find the zipper and simply drag it to the closing. Zipper closures are the most popular among the elderly, and also all the people who don’t have enough patience to find each button. The only drawback of a zipper closure is that it could appear to be invisible; could take a little time to find your zipper side. Zipper options are also considered to be one of the most reliable and modern options when compared to button closures.
As for my personal preference, I would look for a duvet comforter cover with a zipper closure over a button closure because I feel that zippers tend to be more durable over buttons that tend to fall off after repeated washings similar to dress shirts.

3. Turn It Inside Out While Washing - Wash And Care Instructions
One of the most popular questions that people ask us is should I wash my duvet cover inside out? Here’s what we recommend!
When washing your duvet or comforter cover it is always recommended that you turn it inside out for best results. Take note to always check the label for the manufacturer’s instructions on washing your duvet cover as well as a duvet. Some comforter covers may not be washed or might need a commercial-sized washing machine.
Now that the washing is done….you might be wondering- How to put on a duvet cover?
As you might be wrestling to get your duvet in the cover, let me tell you to take a deep breath and let me guide you through the process. Simply lay the duvet flat on your mattress and put it inside out with the duvet cover opening at the bottom. Now just reach into your cover and find the corners at the top of the cover with each hand. And grab the corresponding corners from each side, match them with the respective corners of your duvet and it’s done.
If you are still confused, don’t stress about this, this process is easy. Take a look at our video about this one below.

4. Use A Duvet Cover With Insert Ties! Trust me, Buying A Cover That Already Has This Would Save You A Ton Of Hassle
Do you often find it a hassle to stuff your large bulky duvet comforter into a duvet cover? Or maybe you are wondering what the loops sticking out of the corners of your duvet comforter means. They are referred to as duvet ties, they help keep your duvet insert in place; that is preventing your comforter from shifting around.
Even though many duvet covers come with duvet ties- and duvets with duvet loops- if you do not have one or either of those, then do not worry. You can easily install them on your duvet or duvet cover. Some people try to keep the duvet in place by using safety pins; this might work for a while, but could also damage and tear your duvet. Just a warning!!
Look for a duvet comforter cover with corner ties or tabs to help prevent shifting of the insert inside of the cover since sizes can be slightly different. Yes, it does require a tad bit extra effort and patience, sometimes you might even need another helping hand. But why not take this pain away and buy a cover with insert ties.

5. Multi-purpose! Is It Summer Already! Use Your Cover As A Flat Sheet!
Your comfy duvet insert when serves it’s purpose during winters can take some rest in summers. This is when you can have your duvet cover to do some multitasking! Yes, you can simply use it as a flat sheet or top sheet instead of purchasing another sheet for summer.
Think about it this way, a duvet cover is basically two flat sheets sewn together to form a covering for your warm expensive blanket, so you can easily use the same criteria and use it as a flat sheet or even a top sheet if you’d like.
If you are using your duvet comforter with a duvet cover throughout the year, and then you need to switch to something cooler during the summer, all you have to do is use the cover as is.
Simply take the warm duvet out and pack it away for the summer months! Now you are left with the cover. Yaay! No need to find extra space to store the cover, as now you can simply use this for the time being. Use it as a to sheet or if you prefer- can also be used as a flat sheet or bedspread.
Now you won’t have to part ways with your favorite cute designed cover- saves you time, money, and effort from buying another matching sheet for the summertime.
Doesn’t this just save so much time and space! I bet you never even thought about this. Am I right??
“If you choose not to use the top sheet, you can consider your duvet cover the equivalent of a top sheet, and it should similarly be cleaned every one to two weeks to maintain cleanliness,” says Chapin. – Instyle

6. And Last But Not Least! It Helps Protects The Life Of Your Duvet! Isn’t That A Relief.
Saves you a tad bit of effort from washing your duvet comforter every time it gets dirty.
Just like your sheets and pillowcases, this giant pillowcase (pun intended!) also known as a duvet cover can simply be tossed in your washing machine. If you do have kids or lets at home, you might want to consider washing your duvet cover as often as your wash your bedsheets, or even every two weeks.
But again- make sure your duvet cover is machine washable. Always check the manufacturer’s label for wash and care instructions. Some duvet covers might not have great quality fabrics or stitching and could tear apart, or you might find that the color is fading as you wash it often. This is when you may want to have a look at it before tossing it in the washer. Always check for rips and tear, and try to sew them before washing.
Also, before you leave! Let me remind you again to check if your duvet cover is machine washable or not!! Oh Gosh! You do not want to spend a hefty amount every time at the dry cleaners just to keep your cover clean, do you?
What To Do If I Have A Comforter Or A Warm Wool Blanket?
Regardless of what you call your warm quilt; a duvet or a comforter, duvet covers can be used on both. It is recommended that you use a duvet cover to protect the life of your blanket.
Hope you sleep fresh!!
Rebecca Terkhorn
November 01, 2023
Why can’t zippers be put on 3 sides, fold the cover back, lay the comforter down and zip the darn thg up! If you decide to try and come out with this great idea of MINE, and it’s a hit, don’t forget who told you.